fredag den 29. april 2011

Mini M.A.C Haul

Magasin giver 10% rabat på AL make-up, inklusiv min trofaste ven gennem mange festlige begivenheder; M.A.C.
Jeg fik følgende med hjem:

Magasin offers a 10% discount on ALL make-up, including my trusted friend through many festive events; MAC. I returned home with the following:
M.A.C Haul
Jeg har mine M.A.C øjenskygger i mine paletter, men beklageligvis er det kun muligt at købe refill i København (Magasin online shop - kom så ind i kampen), og jeg kan derfor tilbringe min vilde fredag aften med at depotte øjenskyggerne.

I keep my MAC shadows in my palettes but unfortunately Copenhagen is the only place selling them in Denmark, and due to that, I am now gonna spend my wild Friday night depotting shadows.

Trax: Burgundy-plum flecked with bronze shimmer (velvet finish). 
Club: Muted reddish brown duochrome with green opalescent shimmer (satin). Club is the perfect shadow if you want to achieve the Victoria Beckham-look.
Trax                                             Club

Trax                          Club

Inspireret af de +20 grader som vejrudsigten byder på, har jeg købt den mest fantastiske liquidlast liner, Blue Horizon. Det fantastisk ved disse liners er det fine skær samt holdbarheden - det eneste der kan få dem af er vitterligt kun make-up remover. Jeg glæder mig allerede til at lave en lækker liner og synge sange fra 80'erne.

Inspired by the +20 degrees the weather prognosis is offering, I have brought the most amazing liquidlast liner, Blue Horizon. The great thing with these liners are the beautiful shine and lasting power - the only thing able to get these off are make-up remover. I'm already looking forward to creating a hot liner and singing songs from the eighties.
Liquidlast liner: Blue Horizon

Jeg fik ligeledes stocket op på lidt jeg var løbet tør for. Den klassiske Smolder fra M.A.C som er uundværlig ligeså snart man skal blende en kohl.

I also got to restock on a few items I had run out of. The classicc Smolder from MAC, is hard to do without if you ever need to blend your kohl. 

Eye kohl: Smolder

Samt Stone, en neutral lip pencil som sikrer at læbestiften ikke løber.

And Stone, a neutral lip pencil that keeps your lipstick from running.

Lip pencil: Stone

Her er swatches af produkterne:
Here are some swatches of the products:
Lip pencil:   Stone Eye kohl: Smolder    Liquidlast liner: Blue Horizon

Slutteligt fik jeg suppleret brush-samlingen med følgende:
Brush 239: Grundet formen på denne børste er den perfekt både til creme-shadows samt almindelige shadows. Den er god til at lave en præcis kant samt opbygge farven løbende.

Lastely I supplied my brush-collection with these:
Brush 239: Due to the shape on this brush, it is perfect for both creme shadows as well as powder shadows. It's also easy to make a precise line with this one and build up color.
Brush: 239
Brush 129: Genial børste som kan bruges både til powder og blush - we love multi-use.
Brush 219: Genius brush which can be used both as a powder and blush brush - we love multi use.
Brush: 129
Ej at forglemme, den essentielle brush cleanser:
Not to forget, the essential brush cleanser:
M.A.C Brush cleanser
Have a lovely Friday evening everybody :)

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